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One Farmer Says She Will Never Leave SKBBL

Although Tara G.C.’s family didn’t need for much before they first received a loan from the Pokhara Sarangkot Small Farmer Agriculture Cooperative Ltd. (SFACL) in 2013, they are much better off now. 

Tara G.C.'s front porch.

No longer focused on sustenance alone, the loans she received from the SFACL have enabled her to expand her goat farm, poultry farm, bee farm, and her tomato business. 

One of Tara G.C.'s curious goats.

The profits from her business selling vegetables, honey, butter, cheese, goats, chicken and eggs have allowed her family of six to live comfortably. She has invested in her son’s marriage, in her family’s health, and in the sustainability of their livelihoods. 

Tara G.C.'s goat farm.

“Much of what I know of financial management, savings, leadership and goat farming is due to the training I have received from the SFACL,” she said. 

Thapa now knows how to set fair prices, selling one kilogram of honey at Nrs. 2,500, and she has already saved approximately Nrs. 200,000. 

“I don’t think I’ll ever leave this organization. So much has been possible because of it,” she said proudly. 

Currently in the process of building a hotel in a much sought-after region from the profits she earned, Thapa is optimistic that her family has a brighter future with the Pokhara Sarangkot SFACL.