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Having A Business Plan Can Lead To Better Financial Results

An inhabitant of Ganeshman Charnat Municipality, located in the Dhanusha district of Nepal, Ram Sogarath Yadav lives with his family. Although he has completed an undergraduate degree, his family has been involved in agriculture for generations. 

In 2015, he was selected as one of the agriculture trainees to go to Kinneret College for 11 months. During his stay, Mr. Yadav learned about the procedures, business mindedness, and discipline needed to efficiently run a farm. 

Upon his return to Nepal, Mr. Yadav took a 10-day Entrepreneurship Development Training organized by the Industrial Enterprise Development Institute (IEDI) and Sana Kisan Bikas laghubitta Bittiyasanstha Ltd. (SKBL). This helped him begin poultry farming and expand at a fast rate.

Now, he has 7,000 broilers and receives an annual income of Nrs. 500,000 with high hopes of increasing the numbers. So long as he sticks to his business plan, he knows the results he wants will be produced.